Welcome to the View from the Mount!


Redd Up 2bWhether you live in this beautiful and unique area of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, live nearby and love to visit, or are from out of town or far away and seeing it for the first time, WELCOME! We’re so proud of this area with its magnificent views of downtown, interesting parks and community venues, and various old neighborhoods… so we’ve established this blog to tell you all about it.

Check in often to learn about the wonderful businesses, various neighborhood events, community service organizations, and delightful dining locations here on the Mount! It’s a place to see it all, enjoy it all, and discover things about neighborhoods that witness the gorgeous city seasons, fireworks, and a spectacular hilltop view every single day.

This is the View from the Mount!



cabin-fever-1The basic definition for Cabin Fever is—irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter. Of course, that could be a description of me at any time of the year. We writers spend a LOT of time indoors; butt planted in front of the keyboard. When you see me at a meeting or at the grocery store, it could have been more than a week since I’d last been outside! I’m very familiar with Cabin Fever, no matter how harsh or mild the winter may be.

Fighting cabin fever takes on many different looks. Those young and restless among us jog in the snow or skid on icy roads to the gym just to keep the endorphins hopping. Others find comfort in hobbies, in fact, there’s actually an annual Cabin Fever Expo held in January in Lebanon, PA where you can see exhibits of everything from steamboats and trains, to railroads and cars. There are kits galore if you have an engineering gene in your body. There are books and boilers to look at, and if you really feel ambitious, I bet you can even build a cabin to hold your cabin fever at bay! Mark your calendar for next year.

sock-puppetsCabin Fever has been used as a powerful topic for horror novels and films, and a great excuse for department stores to sell fashion resort clothing and swimsuits in the winter. Advice for Cabin Fever cures includes inventing silly games for kids and adults with family photos, setting a new world record for Ripley’s Believe it or Not, and making sock puppets for conversations after all, why talk to each other when it’s more fun to be irritable through well-knitted wool? Many suggest that you bake something you never baked before, redecorate your family room, or organize your closets. Ugh. No thanks!

You can volunteer to help an elderly person in your neighborhood, or you can finally write that novel or play you always wanted to write. One idea I saw was very interesting, considering the political climate. It called for Cabin Fever sufferers to write their congressperson, sign petitions, and fight for human rights. Of course, in my humble opinion, those kinds of things should be done all year round. A really fun idea caught my attention. It simply suggested bundling up and taking a trip to the closest home and garden store to buy seeds for your spring garden. Nice!

breath-taking-pgh-1However, I have a better suggestion than all of these. It’s something most people never get to see, something others have to drive to get to while most of us can just take a walk … and there it is. Our magnificent view from Grandview Avenue! Any time of year, but especially during the doldrums of winter, this view will take your breath away and make you smile.

pub-night-2017-2Oh, and don’t forget! This Thursday, February 16, join us for the SECOND ANNUAL NoTM HAPPY HOUR PUB NIGHT at Redbeard’s Bar and Grill on Shiloh, 6 – 8 PM. Get out of the house, forget the cold weather, and enjoy a few hours with your neighbors. Fun, great friends, door prizes, snacks, and discount drinks. Neighbors on the Mount, unite against Cabin Fever!




The volunteers of all the Neighbors on the Mount committees would like to wish you the most joyous, blessed, and wonderful holidays, and a fantastic 2017!


Speaking of 2017, we thought we might let you all in on what we’re planning for the New Year. Save the dates and watch for details on our Facebook Group on the Neighbors on the Mount Website Calendar, or in your email box if you’re on our mailing list.

Monday, January 9  – PUBLIC MEETING

Thursday, February 16 – HAPPY HOUR PUB NIGHT!

Monday, April 3 – PUBLIC MEETING


Saturday, June 17 – BBQ COOK-OFF PUB CRAWL!

Monday, July 10 – PUBLIC MEETING

Saturday, September 9 –FALL PUB CRAWL

Monday, October 2 – PUBLIC MEETING


Saturday, November 18 – 5K RUN or 1 MILE FUN RUN

As always, our goals are to create community connections and serve the needs of our unique and beautiful neighborhood. All our Neighbors on the Mount efforts to improve Public Safety continue in 2017. Many of our events will help raise money for scholarships to be presented in December 2017 to worthy Mount Washington students heading for college.

Event dates may change, but we will keep you informed. Please join us to make these events fun, effective, and satisfying for all! Come to the January PUBLIC MEETING, and feel free to contact me at deborahriley.magnus@gmail.com to volunteer or be added to our mailing list.





thanksgiving-basketMount Washington is a beautiful place of giving, receiving, and coming together. Case in point … Rector John Porter and Grace Church announces its 12th annual Thanksgiving Dinner. This traditional meal includes all the favorite Thanksgiving fare, home roasted turkey, all the fixings, and luscious desserts for the sweet tooth. The meal begins at noon on Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, and serves anyone in the Pittsburgh Mount Washington area seeking a home-cooked meal, those in need, and people alone and looking for someone to share the holiday with.


For twelve years Grace Church has pulled together their church community, helpers from other local churches like the Well Church and St. Mary of the Mount, Mount Washington organizations, and donations from local businesses to serve this very special meal. This delicious and fun event includes music with a traditional Thanksgiving sing-along and wonderful fellowship.

And Grace Church goes a few extra steps, providing rides in the 15211 area for those unable to get to the dinner, as well as take-out meals for shut-ins and people unable to attend.

Volunteer, donate, or come and join in for this remarkable annual Thanksgiving event.

Please call 412-381-6020 by Monday, November 21st if you plan to attend so that the church can reserve a table for you. Let them know if you need a ride, can offer assistance, or would like to volunteer to help. And please leave a message if needed.


Give thanks, be thanked, and feel the Grace all around you this Thanksgiving!

Grace Church is located at 319 West Sycamore Street, Pittsburgh Pa 15211

(Two blocks behind St. Mary of the Mount Church.)



When was the last time you were hungry? Really, really hungry? Not only hungry, but you had no idea when your next meal would come? Seventy-two 15211 area needy families have the blessing of knowing that a nourishing meal is on the near horizon. They desperately need our neighborhood Food Bank, and the Food Bank comes through for them.

10This Food Bank has been committed to nourishing bodies and souls for over thirty-five years. The all-volunteer organization is part of the Washington Heights Ecumenical Food Bank. Located at a rear entrance of the Well Church building at 213 Bailey Avenue, this active and vibrant Food Bank serves the 15211 area. In addition to monthly distribution, they take care of emergency needs through requests and church referrals. Needy neighbors over 60 are eligible for monthly senior food boxes, and special attention is given to the needs of children. Distribution day is a smiling, happy affair.

The Food Bank functions on a steady diet of food donations from local businesses and the community, but they always require cash donations. Donated cash goes much further when purchasing required food (to supplement donations) from the Pittsburgh Food Bank. This is a constant need with an extra push for holidays. Food drives and fundraising is vital for the Food Bank’s ongoing service.

3So what does a person get from the Food Bank? Check this out! Fresh and canned fruit and veggies, eggs, milk, bread, pasta, sauces, cakes, and pies. They also occasionally supply non-food items like toilet paper and soaps, feminine products, and diapers.

5Linda Reber, manager of our neighborhood Food Bank explained that she and her staff also help people gain more assistance through other organizations and community services like Produce for People, and Living Store, as well as applications for food stamps and other valuable services. Everything I witnessed at this Food Bank shouted of compassion and a committed view toward the needs of these families.

15The Food Bank needs your help! Donations of the listed items are always welcome, but cash donations, especially with the coming Holiday Season, is most helpful. Volunteers are always needed.

The next Food Bank Distribution is Tuesday, September 27th. For more information, to make a donation, help with a fundraiser, or volunteer, please contact Linda Reber at lreb0402@gmail.com or call 412-977-7114.

Here’s to the beautiful volunteers, hard workers, and happy recipients at our Mount Washington neighborhood Food Bank!






public-safety-5Imagine there’s a crime committed very near your house…something worrisome, scary, even terrifying. It’s the reason many have a home security camera system, to help make their home and immediate area safer.

Now imagine being a hero. Imagine helping the police capture and convict criminals running or driving right past your home security camera. Can you just imagine how great that would be?


There are many home security camera systems mounted on houses all over Mount Washington. If the police could have access to the recording made on those cameras, it could quickly lead to arrests and greatly reduce crime in your immediate area. Just picture how that could make all of Mount Washington safer. This approach has shown great success in Pittsburgh’s South Side, and we’d love to see it working here.

Join the Mount Washington Virtual Block Watch!

If you have a home security system camera(s) on your home, you are urged to please register it with the Police.  This helps in several ways.

  • Officers and detectives will know where these cameras are to help with their investigation
  • They will know who to contact to access recordings
  • They can solve crimes much quicker with the addition of just a few more camera angles exposing important information
  • Your home security camera can serve as an additional valuable tool to fight crime in your neighborhood


This is just phase one of a much larger Mount Washington Public Safety action led by Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Theresa Kail Smith, the Neighbors on the Mount Public Safety Committee, and the Pittsburgh Police.

If you have a home security camera system on your house and would like to participate, please email the following information to 15211virtualblockwatch@gmail.com

  • Your street address
  • The number of security cameras you have
  • Contact name
  • Contact phone number

Your information will be forwarded to the Zone 3 Police Department.


Note: No one will see requested recordings from your home security camera but the police.



MT WASHINGTONDid you know …

That Big Brothers Big Sisters is over 100 years old! As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (bigs) and children (littles), ages 6 through 13, in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

Did you know …

The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh Mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

Did you know …

National research has shown that positive relationships between littles and their bigs have a direct and measurable impact on children’s lives. By participating in our programs, Little Brothers and Sisters are:

  • more confident in their schoolwork performance
  • able to get along better with their families
  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs
  • 27% less likely to begin using alcohol
  • 52% less likely to skip school

About1Did you know …

Big Brothers Big Sisters is currently seeking men over 21 who have a car to volunteer as Big Brothers. Volunteer backgrounds are checked, cleared, then interview with an enrollment specialist. Women volunteers are always welcome, and grandparents and empty-nesters serve a great roll when interacting with the littles. Give Big Brothers Big Sisters a call. You may be exactly what they need! Some of the enrolled children have only one overworked parent, some have two overworked parents, others simply need great one-on-one experiences to help them see the world differently.

Did you know …

Lots of Big Brothers Big Sisters outings take place on Mount Washington! Our parks and facilities are perfect places to entertain your little! Activities need not require a lot of money. Big Brothers Big Sisters can often provide tickets for various city events and locations, and free memberships to the YMCA. Hiking, biking, visiting cultural and sporting venues, and simply spending quality time with your little—enjoying pizza, reading, baking, playing cards, or tossing a football—make all the difference in the world!

Did you know …

Volunteering is easy. There are school based programs and mentor programs available. One-on-one bigs and littles experiences  require only 3 – 5 hours, every other week. You can also help by supporting and/or getting involved with some of the major annual events, like the upcoming September 24th  Fly Away Bash, the March Bowl for Kids, or the Start Something Golf Classic.

Did you know …

Everything you need to know about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh is right on their website! For more information you can talk directly with Tom Baker at 412-204-1217 or tbaker@bbbspgh.org

GPB Logo

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh is an important part of the Mount! Please consider getting involved. For more information about enrolling a child, please contact Kristin Olson, Customer Relations Specialist, at kolson@bbbspgh.org or 412-204-1224.